Tuesday, June 30, 2015

This Journey:Written by "Beauty"Dr. Demetria Hill Cannady

I have been reflecting over the past few days about the blog that I wanted to share first.  Would I share about mental health?  Would I share about relationships?  Would I share about myself, family, day-to-day experiences?   Instead I don't think my path or my blog is self-directed because what I had in mind to write is not the words which are currently flowing. 

 I don't think my path has been my own since as far back as I can remember.  I do not recall anyone asking me what I desired to be when I grew up as far as my goals and dreams were concerned.  I remember deciding to go to college my senior year because I wanted to leave home and not go to the military.  How did I get from no desire to obtaining a PhD along with other credentials?  I often ask myself that question and it always comes back to never quitting anything I started, rebellion, and showing people who told me that I couldn't, shouldn't, and wouldn't that I , could, should, would, and did!!  I am the underdog and I always root for the underdog.  I was a 17 year old African American female from a single parent (single-wide mobile home) who had no clue about future dreams and goals.

  All I knew was I was going to college for Business Management so that I could make plenty money.  Well......  that didn't work out too well- failed all my business courses out of boredom and it sounded Greek to me.  I eventually found that my path was directed to help others and that was what I enjoyed doing. 

 Needless to say I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work and have been on a similar path since then.  As I shared my story about "something" I realized that I've been a rebel since as far back as I can remember- my rebellion was part of the plan to get me to my present!!!  I enrolled in graduate school because my mom said, "When you move back home there will be no staying out all night and no staying over anyone's home," and the rest is a blur.........   I was back in Fort Valley enrolling in graduate school that Monday.  I enrolled in a PhD program because I sat home bored after I had my last child and because I was told that I didn't need a PhD and I was crazy for trying to get a PhD, I had to prove the "naysayers" wrong once again!!!  Damn I'm a rebel!!!!  Then I was told I needed to teach, I needed to work for the State, I needed to.........  This bright idea came to me- How about I start my own agency!!!!!  Very few understand/understood my vision and the dream of having my own comprehensive/ holistic counseling agency.  Very few cheered me own but once again I am destined to prove the naysayers wrong.  

I went into business for myself (the first time) in January 2014 with the agreement of another provider to do the billing through their number with myself and my staff providing contracted services.  We were doing good or so we thought, we had consumers, happy consumers and families.  In June 2014, I found out that all the previous months we'd worked had been for free because the provider had credentialing issues and we were not be able to be paid, not from the insurances.....  I was defeated for a few months......

  I regained my composure because I knew they were several watching and probably hoping to see my failures so that they could say I told you so; I told you to get a job and so forth.  Needless to say my journey continued and I rebuilt and am still rebuilding (the correct way) with my name on the credentialing, as a sole proprietor.  If anyone screws up I have no one to blame but myself.

  This process and journey is taking longer that I desire but learning patience is part of my journey and I accept that!  Patience is a virtue on this journey called life!!


Where is your focus? What is your plan?

We all know how stressful life can be. Dealing with these moments can put us in a major mood. Recently I had a moment such as this concerning a job. I came in that day and it seemed everything was all out of whack. I found myself engaging in some negative conversation about the problem. (mistake number one). For a moment I forgot all about my plans. “Plan?” You may ask. Well the plan is, for one I have so many other great things going on in my life that are leading me to better things. The job is one tool to get me there, mainly because it is taking care of my living expenses for now. After I realized my mistake, when I got a moment I immediately sat down and wrote a list of all the things I liked about the job. This shift he energy so that I could feel grateful and have inner peace and clarity about what has going on that day. When we find ourselves in those moods from time to time, when can always shift to another emotion, there is a quote that states “Worry is a prayer to chaos”. This takes the focus off of worry. So remember the next time the job is stress ask yourself, “Where is my focus, What is my plan”? -Ilonda Clayton, Open Your Heart Life Coaching

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Life's purpose for Us! Written by Beauty "Hollywood" Ushery

Good morning everyone!!!! 

 Today is a beautiful Sunday!!! I am excited about being alive and all that life has to offer.  Today is Sunday and I hope that you all are having a wonderful Sunday!!! I have a house full of young ladies which I love to open my home to!!!! You can learn so much from the younger generation and they actually give you snippets  into their lives and that helps to understand them. 

 Our young ladies and young men are in dire need for good role models so that they are able to learn as they grow.  Either way children will learn from us adults whether it is good or bad.  We must choose to be good role models.  We are losing so many of our children to senseless deaths, I can't even say shootings, our younger generation are being killed in several different ways. 

 Moving on...I am thankful for life and all that it has to offer.  My thankfulness comes from coming so close to losing my life last year because of  lupus.  Last year, lupus attacked my lungs, my heart, and my kidneys and I was given a death sentence.  I was place in palate of care, which is equivalent to hospice.  I was in a coma for six weeks but praise God I am still here. 

 Coming so close to losing my life makes me appreciate life to the fullest.  We all have a purpose for being here and it is more than just trying to become rich.  Our purpose is more than just trying to become famous and our purpose is definitely more than just tying to take care of our children.  What is it that you are passionate about?  What are the things that are near and dear to your heart and you find yourself wanting to do all that you can to help situations?  Usually that is the purpose in which you were called for.  I can't help that I want to help hurting people.  I not only have sympathy for people but I have empathy as well.  

God is a God that made us for his glory and we have to do the things of God so that God will get the glory out of it!!!! Life is more than just you!!!! We have work to do.  The enemy is loose and on a long chain and is trying to take any and everyone to hell with him.  As I grow and learn more and more about lupus, it makes me want to tell others about the one
who saved me.  It is not the Dr's, although I am quite thankful for the Dr's and their knowledge but it is ultimately God who saved me.  God saved me so that I could tell people like you all about what he did for me and if God did this for me, he will surely do it for you!!!!  As always, be blessed and know that you are!!!!   

 Ms. Hollywood Tricey

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Introducing Ms. Hollywood Tricey!!!!: Written By Ms. Hollywood

Good evening beauties all around the world!!! I hope that your day was very purposeful.  

It feels very good for me to be able to talk to people from all walks of life right from my bed. Today was a taking-care-of-business day.  I apologize, I didn't even properly introduce myself.  

My name is Hollywood Tricey and I am from Detroit.  I have been a beautie for well over a year and it is a way of life.  I currently battle lupus, sjogrens syndrome, and fibromyalgia.  Just because I have been diagnosed with these autoimmune diseases that does not define who I am.  Just because I have lupus, lupus does not have me.  

I am excited about my life and the growth and things that are going on with me because last year this time, I almost did not make it. I was in a coma for 6 weeks and I am here today blogging!!! How awesome is our God?  I look forward to sharing my world with you and talking to you about a subject that is so close to my heart because of the struggles that I have experienced.  

There are many who have never even heard of lupus and that is why it is important to me to raise awareness so that we are able to raise funding to assist with finding a cure for my fellow sisters and brothers that battle these awful diseases.  I will tell more about that in the future as we continue to get to know one another.  I so look forward to the best experience of my life!!!!  

As always, be blessed and know that you are!!!!


Don't forget about.... The Ultimate Makeover! Written By Beauty IlondaClayton

In my younger years one of the things I really prided myself in was my sense of style. Yes! From my hair to my shoes and all that in between, I loved fashion (and still do). I felt like a star when I put on a new outfit walking around town. Yes baby! I knew I was looking good. But the one thing I forgot to make over through the years was my mind and heart. Looking good on the outside but broken on the inside, even on my most fashion forward day the tears and the brokenness on the inside was not so appealing.

It all came to ahead when I was 28 years old. I realized I was making the same mistakes over and over again. It was one bad cycle. It was a long 10+ year’s process. How did I start? For me therapy was the beginning tapping into my childhood and why I viewed people, relationships, money, and love the way that I did. I connected to life coaching which help me with a blue print on how I would continue the work I learned from therapy daily. I researched people and literature of people that overcame great obstacles to become successful. 

I listen to lectures from people like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Les Brown, and Lisa Nichols. I prayed daily for guidance to connect me to the education I need to further my process. It is daily work to work on me, learning to love me, tapping into all my hidden talents I never knew God placed in me. I had to stop beating myself up, forgive myself for all the mistakes, and most of all truly fall in love with me. So you might say what are a few steps to a inner make over:

Admit an inner make over is needed and commit to it. Tap into your higher power. God , the Universe whatever you call that power, religion has nothing to do with it .

2. Find out what tools you need, everyone is different (therapy. Anger management. Self-love. Life Coaching) 

3. Connect with positive people. (the internet has hundreds of people that can help you with your journey) 

4. You will not change overnight. It is all l process. Everyone is different.

 5. Tears and anger are a part of the process. Learn how to handle your emotions. Find a healthy way to express those emotions (Writing in a journal, working out, a trusted friend or professional to talk to) 6. Learn to forgive yourself and others. This is very important to find Joy in life. 

7. It is a lifelong process. (perfect does not exist, progress does) 

8. Don’t share you goals with everyone .(Not everyone will be supportive, you don’t have to share your journey with everyone) 

9.You are worth it. 

10. Have an open heart along the way. (Some days will be harder than others..but allow love to flow anyway) -

Ilonda Clayton, Open Your Heart Life Coaching


Take a Moment and Enjoy Life! Written by Beauty Ilonda Clayton

I have really been working on enjoying each moment of life. I realize I have taken so many wonderful things for granted (especially in my younger years) so worried about situations I have no control over. I have noticed that I have been so busy trying to get things done each day that I forget to just stop and appreciate the little things. I decide to just stop, breath in, take a moment and enjoy. 

Think about it when was the last time you enjoyed a sunset or sat on the porch and had a glass of water. 

Yes! Don’t let life pass you by! #livelife -

Ilonda Clayton, Open Your Heart Life Coaching

Welcome to our House!!! Experience A Day In The Life Of A Beauty!

Hello World!!!

My name  is Kimberly and I want to welcome you to OUR HOUSE.  I am a Beauty of I AM ME University, and I want to formally welcome you to have a seat with Beauties around the world. Here you will be able to hear our thoughts, wishes, dreams,  and see what we are p to, and who we are becoming. I cant wait for you get to fall in love with mys sisters. I already have. So without further adue welcome!!!

as always...

Inspiratinoal beauty