Friday, February 19, 2016

Living for the weekend

Good morning to all of you beautiful people around the world.  Today is Friday and everyone loves Friday!!!  It's the end of another work week for many of you. For children it's the end of a school week. The weekend brings about happiness for several people and that leads me to wonder if people wait all week just for the weekend.  There are several days in between Friday and we must go through those days in order to get to Friday.  That is a lot of days to not enjoy waiting for Friday.  Is that what we do? We should be thankful for each day that God allows us to see.  Someone didn't make it to Friday. They didn't get to enjoy the weekend, but I truly hope that they appreciated the days that they were able to enjoy.  Often times we as human beings say things out of our mouth that we don't mean.  We say things out of anger, out of being hurt, and out of pain.   I am the first to admit that sometimes I speak out of anger and frustration. Life and the circumstances in life that occur can make us say things in the heat of the moment.  At a very young age, my mom taught us that, " Self control means I will make myself mind me". So obviously we are able to control the things dealing with "self". If there are things in your life that you aren't pleased with we should be able to tell ourselves that we aren't going to say or do those things.I teach my children that same principle.  There are things that are within my control that will assist with the betterment of my health. So I have to talk to myself so that myself will mind me in doing the necessary things to better myself.   It's not as easy as it sounds but if the changes are worth it than we should focus on change. We must speak things into existence and we will have what we say we will have.  God created us and the world by speaking things into existence.  He said, "Let there be...." and there was.  We have the ability to make changes within ourselves and our life to accommodate the things that we say.  This is Hollywood Tricey, one of the beauties of I am me University saying, be blessed and know that you are!!! Have a fantastic weekend.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Living Life

Good evening bloggers all around the world!  Today has been extremely trying as I  anticipated it would be. The anticipation came because I  have had a praise on my mouth all week.  I have been out and about, and enjoying my life and those in it.  I could actually say the enemy is busy, but I  refuse  to give any credit to him, in my mind that gives him power.  It was all me.....allllll me and no the enemy didn't make me do anything.  I allowed myself to let my frustrations come to the forefront.  You see, as strong as I may appear to be to you on Facebook, a lot of you don't know me intimately and that's not a bad thing.  I'm saying this to say that, I  don't care how pretty you may think that I  look, their is major hurt inside.  Yes I  am  still in battle, but any soldier don't know when they will be bombed, shot at, or enemies in the camp.  Just like I can talk about my good days, I can also share the bad.  As I  often say, I didn't choose this for me and I believe that none of us did.  Who would do that? In their right mind? I  get frustrated because my life is nowhere I thought it would be.  You could not have paid me to even know that in 2016 I would be declared physically disabled.  Judging from how I feel, I  sometimes wonder if I  am mentally disabled!!!! Lol.....just kidding, but seriously, I  thank God for keeping me and for my children being such a blessing even when I'm wilyn out......just because I am an adult doesn't mean that I have all the answers.  I  am doing the absolute best that I  can with the cards that I was dealt. I appreciate God giving me children that also don't buckle under pressure.  My children deserve an award for all that they "grow" through with me.....I am a single mother, fighting several diseases and also trying to keep my sanity in this cold, cruel, world that we live in. I am only praying that once we make it to the other side of the trials, that we all are much better. I don't dumb down because it's just not in my DNA......I pray that we all are blessed  and know that we are!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Save our children!

Happy Monday luvs!!! I hope that all is well with everyone and that everyone is poised to do some wonderful things.  I look at the world today and I  am beginning to figure out that God is not the head of everyone's life.  While I go through  this journey and try to get healthy I am meeting so many positive people. People can be very judgemental and that's just the way of the world.  I have been really working on my goals, however, I am also very focused on my children and assisting them with their goals.  As parents, we must equip our children with everything necessary so that they are able to succeed in life.  Life is very different from when I  was a child and it seems as if there is little concern in the area of education.   Education is extremely important for our children so that they are able to make something of themselves.  Our children today have many opportunities and we as parents should direct them in the area of education.   Many parents are working hard to provide for our children, but we as parents must ensure that training and teaching begins at home.  We send our children to school to enhance what they know, we shouldn't expect that teachers are supposed to do everything.  That's so unfair! Continue to pour into our children to give them a head start!!! As always, this is Hollywood Tricey signing off! Be blessed and know that you are!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

What are you Reflecting On???

Good afternoon everyone all around the world, heyyyyy beauties!!!! I do hope that your day is going well. I thank God for all of his many, many, blessings that God has allowed me. I  know that often times, we look at our situation as it is hopeless, but it doesn't  have to be.  We are created for greatness and for the times that it looks as if God is slacking, just wait on it!!!! Our father can do all things except fail. He is the Almighty and he has delivered all of us out things that only we know about.  I am at the age where I  have to put blinders on as I continue to become a better me regardless of what's in front of me.  Everything that's not like God has to flee.....We can trust God at his Word because it's true!!!! There is so much life to live that I'm so grateful that God allowed me to stay on this earth. So glad that even during my most trying times, Kim Arrington, along with the beauties of IAmMe University, my sister's helped me to still feel connected to the outside world.  They have been very patient with me as I recover. My family are so outstanding that I am so blessed to have them on my team.  I hope that everyone enjoyed their holiday with loved ones and recognizing the importance of those individuals being in your life.  Hmmm, God is awesome like that and as always, I'm HollywoodTricey saying "Be blessed and know that you are!"!

Saturday, October 17, 2015


Happy Sweetest Day!!! Some of you may not know what that is! Sweetest Day is a holiday that is only celebrated in Michigan.  It is the equivalent to Valentines Day and is thought to be for the male.  It's a day where love is expressed by couples and even people in other relationships. My children gave me a card and some chocolates and loved on me and made me feel special and even more love.  I like having people express to me that they love me not just on specific days, but all the days of my life. I am not saying that I  should get gifts daily, I  would much rather have an expression of love shown and I  do the same.  A simple hello, a bright smile, a hug, can make a day better.  Love is such a beautiful thing no matter who it is with.  God even told us in his word to love thy Neighbor as thyself.   So there is something to this thing called love.  God expressed the greatest  love of all by giving his only begotten son because he loves me, and he not only loves me, but he loves you as well!! That's such a blessing to know. I hope you all have a great day and remember to always express love and allow love to cultivate in your life!!! This is HOLLYWOODTRICEY,  telling you to be blessed and know that you are! 💖💖💖💖💖

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Seasons change

Hello  to all of you lovely people!  How great it is to communicate with  you by way of blog! The seasons are changing and I  have noticed that seasons also change in our lives. The seasons that we are encountering may not be as easy as the season that we just came out of, however, we must remember to pull on the strength of God.  God gives us the grace to endure all that we have to endure in our life. Sometimes we don't like the growing pains of life but I  am  learning to trust the process and surrender to God.  We have to submit to his will and his way in order to stay on the right track.  The Bible is where our wisdom comes from and if we take a moment to stop looking at our problems life won't be so challenging.  We extend a helping hand to others.  This is HOLLYWOODTRICEY with I am me University and I  want you all to be blessed and know that you are!