Friday, February 19, 2016

Living for the weekend

Good morning to all of you beautiful people around the world.  Today is Friday and everyone loves Friday!!!  It's the end of another work week for many of you. For children it's the end of a school week. The weekend brings about happiness for several people and that leads me to wonder if people wait all week just for the weekend.  There are several days in between Friday and we must go through those days in order to get to Friday.  That is a lot of days to not enjoy waiting for Friday.  Is that what we do? We should be thankful for each day that God allows us to see.  Someone didn't make it to Friday. They didn't get to enjoy the weekend, but I truly hope that they appreciated the days that they were able to enjoy.  Often times we as human beings say things out of our mouth that we don't mean.  We say things out of anger, out of being hurt, and out of pain.   I am the first to admit that sometimes I speak out of anger and frustration. Life and the circumstances in life that occur can make us say things in the heat of the moment.  At a very young age, my mom taught us that, " Self control means I will make myself mind me". So obviously we are able to control the things dealing with "self". If there are things in your life that you aren't pleased with we should be able to tell ourselves that we aren't going to say or do those things.I teach my children that same principle.  There are things that are within my control that will assist with the betterment of my health. So I have to talk to myself so that myself will mind me in doing the necessary things to better myself.   It's not as easy as it sounds but if the changes are worth it than we should focus on change. We must speak things into existence and we will have what we say we will have.  God created us and the world by speaking things into existence.  He said, "Let there be...." and there was.  We have the ability to make changes within ourselves and our life to accommodate the things that we say.  This is Hollywood Tricey, one of the beauties of I am me University saying, be blessed and know that you are!!! Have a fantastic weekend.

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