Thursday, June 25, 2015

Don't forget about.... The Ultimate Makeover! Written By Beauty IlondaClayton

In my younger years one of the things I really prided myself in was my sense of style. Yes! From my hair to my shoes and all that in between, I loved fashion (and still do). I felt like a star when I put on a new outfit walking around town. Yes baby! I knew I was looking good. But the one thing I forgot to make over through the years was my mind and heart. Looking good on the outside but broken on the inside, even on my most fashion forward day the tears and the brokenness on the inside was not so appealing.

It all came to ahead when I was 28 years old. I realized I was making the same mistakes over and over again. It was one bad cycle. It was a long 10+ year’s process. How did I start? For me therapy was the beginning tapping into my childhood and why I viewed people, relationships, money, and love the way that I did. I connected to life coaching which help me with a blue print on how I would continue the work I learned from therapy daily. I researched people and literature of people that overcame great obstacles to become successful. 

I listen to lectures from people like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Les Brown, and Lisa Nichols. I prayed daily for guidance to connect me to the education I need to further my process. It is daily work to work on me, learning to love me, tapping into all my hidden talents I never knew God placed in me. I had to stop beating myself up, forgive myself for all the mistakes, and most of all truly fall in love with me. So you might say what are a few steps to a inner make over:

Admit an inner make over is needed and commit to it. Tap into your higher power. God , the Universe whatever you call that power, religion has nothing to do with it .

2. Find out what tools you need, everyone is different (therapy. Anger management. Self-love. Life Coaching) 

3. Connect with positive people. (the internet has hundreds of people that can help you with your journey) 

4. You will not change overnight. It is all l process. Everyone is different.

 5. Tears and anger are a part of the process. Learn how to handle your emotions. Find a healthy way to express those emotions (Writing in a journal, working out, a trusted friend or professional to talk to) 6. Learn to forgive yourself and others. This is very important to find Joy in life. 

7. It is a lifelong process. (perfect does not exist, progress does) 

8. Don’t share you goals with everyone .(Not everyone will be supportive, you don’t have to share your journey with everyone) 

9.You are worth it. 

10. Have an open heart along the way. (Some days will be harder than others..but allow love to flow anyway) -

Ilonda Clayton, Open Your Heart Life Coaching


  1. What a very imformative blog, often times we as women lose sight of what is helpful to us and forget all about the inner us. The process can be challenging and even forgiving oneself is challenging. I am working on things myself especially committing to myself that I am worth it. I am well worth it and thank you for the reminder!!!

  2. What a very imformative blog, often times we as women lose sight of what is helpful to us and forget all about the inner us. The process can be challenging and even forgiving oneself is challenging. I am working on things myself especially committing to myself that I am worth it. I am well worth it and thank you for the reminder!!!
