Sunday, June 28, 2015

Life's purpose for Us! Written by Beauty "Hollywood" Ushery

Good morning everyone!!!! 

 Today is a beautiful Sunday!!! I am excited about being alive and all that life has to offer.  Today is Sunday and I hope that you all are having a wonderful Sunday!!! I have a house full of young ladies which I love to open my home to!!!! You can learn so much from the younger generation and they actually give you snippets  into their lives and that helps to understand them. 

 Our young ladies and young men are in dire need for good role models so that they are able to learn as they grow.  Either way children will learn from us adults whether it is good or bad.  We must choose to be good role models.  We are losing so many of our children to senseless deaths, I can't even say shootings, our younger generation are being killed in several different ways. 

 Moving on...I am thankful for life and all that it has to offer.  My thankfulness comes from coming so close to losing my life last year because of  lupus.  Last year, lupus attacked my lungs, my heart, and my kidneys and I was given a death sentence.  I was place in palate of care, which is equivalent to hospice.  I was in a coma for six weeks but praise God I am still here. 

 Coming so close to losing my life makes me appreciate life to the fullest.  We all have a purpose for being here and it is more than just trying to become rich.  Our purpose is more than just trying to become famous and our purpose is definitely more than just tying to take care of our children.  What is it that you are passionate about?  What are the things that are near and dear to your heart and you find yourself wanting to do all that you can to help situations?  Usually that is the purpose in which you were called for.  I can't help that I want to help hurting people.  I not only have sympathy for people but I have empathy as well.  

God is a God that made us for his glory and we have to do the things of God so that God will get the glory out of it!!!! Life is more than just you!!!! We have work to do.  The enemy is loose and on a long chain and is trying to take any and everyone to hell with him.  As I grow and learn more and more about lupus, it makes me want to tell others about the one
who saved me.  It is not the Dr's, although I am quite thankful for the Dr's and their knowledge but it is ultimately God who saved me.  God saved me so that I could tell people like you all about what he did for me and if God did this for me, he will surely do it for you!!!!  As always, be blessed and know that you are!!!!   

 Ms. Hollywood Tricey

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