Saturday, July 18, 2015

Let your light Shine:Written By Beauty Tricey Ushery

Hello beauties all around the world!

 I certainly hope that you all are enjoying  the days of summer because  summer  will be gone before you know it.  The one thing that I like about living in Michigan is the  fact that we are able to experience  each of the four seasons in our lives. So when we are tired of Winter, then hear comes Spring. That also tends to happen in our present day lives.  We experience different  seasons in our lives and we may not like our Winter experience,  but not to worry, here comes Spring!

 I am  so very thankful for change in my life and that is the one thing that is constant, and that is change.  I am the type of person who loves  change because I  get bored rather quickly.  Don't  forget the lessons that we learn during the different seasons in our lives.   Sometimes,  we don't  get the lesson because we are so anxious to move on to the next season.  If we dont get the lesson,  we will keep going through the same thing during the season until we are able to move past that place. 

 I don't know about you but oftentimes I am in a rush to do things but as I  continue to live I learn.  I am learning to move myself  out of the way so that I can live my life on purpose.   Time is precious and it is something that we cannot get back.   I do hope that you as a person are learning to grow during  the different season's  in your life.  Life is full of surprises and one day things could be going great and then suddenly life has thrown you a curve ball.  Only 10% is what happens to  us and the other 90% is our reaction to situations in our lives.   I  am trying to  learn how not to react and learn to respond to things that take place.  I am trying to be the best me that I can be inspite of the things that are happening. 

 I am learning that I  am a vessel of God's love and that is exactly what I  would like to be depicted as; a vessel that is being used by God! I  want to be the best representation of IAmMe University that I can be.  I want to be the best mother that I  can be. I would like to be the best servant that I can be.  

The light that shines through me, is a representation of the light of God. So with that being said, look at yourself and ask yourself,  "Self, am I being the best me that I  can be and I  assure you that God will send you the answers that you are in need of.  Im signing off, this is Hollywood Tricey of I am me University and I  pray that you allow your light to shine among men so that they will see your light shining brightly and God will get the glory!!!  

Be blessed my friends, and know that you are!!!


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