Monday, July 6, 2015

Six steps to help you put emotions in perspective:Written by Beauty "Ibeauty"

Hey Luvs!!!
Wow. . .it has been a beautiful day so far, but for some reason, I have not been able to get up and going. So I did the one thing that would FORCE ME TO GET A MOVE ON! That is making videos(LOL), So I decided to write about something that you may experience as well.
 So here goes. . . .  
We all experience ups and downs, and sometimes we experience these feelings from day to day, and if you are experiencing them, don't beat yourself up. Sometimes feelings come into play for different reasons. I simply suggest that you put them into perspective, and don't let them stop your progress. People often ask me, how do you do it Kim? I have a system that I use, when I fall into this trap. 
1.The first thing I do is understand that "WHAT"I am experiencing are just my emotions and they will pass. I give them permission to be there! They are a part of me . I don't try to stuff them  back down,  if I do, they will eventually come out, whether I want them to or not. So  I let them come out, and I give them a time limit. 

2.I allow myself 10 minutes to let them run wild, and after that I take control!
3.  I then set my goal in front of me
a. I  become specific about what I want
b  I become  specific about when I want it(attach a time line)
c. Be specific about HOW you're gonna do it!

Hey Luvs! Don't be so hard on yourselves today. Life is a slow progression. Excellence requires time,effort and action. Stay vigilant and you will get there.#inspirational #beauty

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