Friday, July 24, 2015

And You Thought You Were Alone

Recently in my journey to get my mind, body, and soul on the right track I decided to hire a personal trainer. I just felt I was at the point in my workout that either I was going to go hard for what I wanted or I was going to continue to fiddle around and "make believe" workout. I'm sure you all can relate. You start off good and you're at the gym everyday then one weekend of hanging with the girls or the fellas and what was everyday becomes every other day. Then every other day becomes "I'll start fresh next week" and the next thing you know next week has come and went and you can't figure out how you gained the five pounds back. My point is I knew that I needed some help.

The other day while working out my trainer kept saying "you not alone...lets get it!" It got me to thinking. For years I've struggled with fluctuations in my weight and even my emotional and mental growth. Everytime I found myself at a standstill I began to isolate myself from others telling myself "I fix me...I don't need nobodies help." How wrong was I!!

While standing there with my trainer I began to think about my weightloss and particularly my weight gain. While ultimately it was I who was responsible for how much weight I gained I did not gain it alone. I see the perplexed looks on your face but bare with me.

Over the years I have had alot of help gaining weight. The help came from the friendly waitress at my favorite restaurant that offered the dessert I just couldn't resist...she even offered to wrap it up for me if I was too full of calories to eat it at the moment, or the drive through worker who was so friendly as they made me aware of how I could pack in a thousand more calories for only $5.00... FIVE DOLLARS you can't beat that! Or how about the friend who told me about the new place up the street and how they fresh bake bread every morning and had croissants to die for. My point is yes the final decision was mine but I had a lot of help in my decisions.

With that said, why would I ever think that I wouldn't need the same amount of help to lose as I accepted to gain? It just makes sense. This is true in every aspect of our lives. At some point we have to realize that asking for help is okay, is needed, and is a healthy choice.

Sometimes the help you may need is simply a hug, a ear or a shoulder but every once in awhile trust and believe the comfort we receive and that we can offer to one another is needed. As Tyler Perry says "love one to another" and feel no shame in not being alone.

Much Love,

Amy "PagesOfVision" Ward

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