Tuesday, July 28, 2015
A Mental Health Discussion!
Friday, July 24, 2015
And You Thought You Were Alone
Recently in my journey to get my mind, body, and soul on the right track I decided to hire a personal trainer. I just felt I was at the point in my workout that either I was going to go hard for what I wanted or I was going to continue to fiddle around and "make believe" workout. I'm sure you all can relate. You start off good and you're at the gym everyday then one weekend of hanging with the girls or the fellas and what was everyday becomes every other day. Then every other day becomes "I'll start fresh next week" and the next thing you know next week has come and went and you can't figure out how you gained the five pounds back. My point is I knew that I needed some help.
The other day while working out my trainer kept saying "you not alone...lets get it!" It got me to thinking. For years I've struggled with fluctuations in my weight and even my emotional and mental growth. Everytime I found myself at a standstill I began to isolate myself from others telling myself "I fix me...I don't need nobodies help." How wrong was I!!
While standing there with my trainer I began to think about my weightloss and particularly my weight gain. While ultimately it was I who was responsible for how much weight I gained I did not gain it alone. I see the perplexed looks on your face but bare with me.
Over the years I have had alot of help gaining weight. The help came from the friendly waitress at my favorite restaurant that offered the dessert I just couldn't resist...she even offered to wrap it up for me if I was too full of calories to eat it at the moment, or the drive through worker who was so friendly as they made me aware of how I could pack in a thousand more calories for only $5.00... FIVE DOLLARS you can't beat that! Or how about the friend who told me about the new place up the street and how they fresh bake bread every morning and had croissants to die for. My point is yes the final decision was mine but I had a lot of help in my decisions.
With that said, why would I ever think that I wouldn't need the same amount of help to lose as I accepted to gain? It just makes sense. This is true in every aspect of our lives. At some point we have to realize that asking for help is okay, is needed, and is a healthy choice.
Sometimes the help you may need is simply a hug, a ear or a shoulder but every once in awhile trust and believe the comfort we receive and that we can offer to one another is needed. As Tyler Perry says "love one to another" and feel no shame in not being alone.
Much Love,
Amy "PagesOfVision" Ward
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Let your light Shine:Written By Beauty Tricey Ushery
Hello beauties all around the world!
I certainly hope that you all are enjoying the days of summer because summer will be gone before you know it. The one thing that I like about living in Michigan is the fact that we are able to experience each of the four seasons in our lives. So when we are tired of Winter, then hear comes Spring. That also tends to happen in our present day lives. We experience different seasons in our lives and we may not like our Winter experience, but not to worry, here comes Spring!
I am so very thankful for change in my life and that is the one thing that is constant, and that is change. I am the type of person who loves change because I get bored rather quickly. Don't forget the lessons that we learn during the different seasons in our lives. Sometimes, we don't get the lesson because we are so anxious to move on to the next season. If we dont get the lesson, we will keep going through the same thing during the season until we are able to move past that place.
I don't know about you but oftentimes I am in a rush to do things but as I continue to live I learn. I am learning to move myself out of the way so that I can live my life on purpose. Time is precious and it is something that we cannot get back. I do hope that you as a person are learning to grow during the different season's in your life. Life is full of surprises and one day things could be going great and then suddenly life has thrown you a curve ball. Only 10% is what happens to us and the other 90% is our reaction to situations in our lives. I am trying to learn how not to react and learn to respond to things that take place. I am trying to be the best me that I can be inspite of the things that are happening.
I am learning that I am a vessel of God's love and that is exactly what I would like to be depicted as; a vessel that is being used by God! I want to be the best representation of IAmMe University that I can be. I want to be the best mother that I can be. I would like to be the best servant that I can be.
The light that shines through me, is a representation of the light of God. So with that being said, look at yourself and ask yourself, "Self, am I being the best me that I can be and I assure you that God will send you the answers that you are in need of. Im signing off, this is Hollywood Tricey of I am me University and I pray that you allow your light to shine among men so that they will see your light shining brightly and God will get the glory!!!
Be blessed my friends, and know that you are!!!
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Lessons learned from my 90 Year Old Jewish Mentor:Written by Ibeauty
Friday, July 10, 2015
Happiness Precepts Cont.
Precept #13- Do Not Steal- In reading this one the comment which stood out, "Stolen goods greatly reduce in value; they have to be hidden, they are always a threat to liberty itself. Stealing things is really just an admission that one is not capable enough to make it honestly. Wow!! Do you really want to be viewed as someone who didn't have the guts or the courage to make it on your own. Something to think about- even in using someone's words and not giving credit where it's due is stealing!!
Precept #14- Be Worthy of Trust- Keep your word once given! In my own words, your word is your bond! If I can't trust you then I have no room for you within my circle!! If you can't do something, just be honest enough to say you can't do it or you don't want to do it vs allowing the individual to think that the task will get completed by you knowing all the time you have no intentions of doing so.
Precept #15- Fulfill Your Obligations- Whether you have personal, professional, financial, or spiritual obligations- it is your job to do your part. If you help to create a relationship that has resulted in another life, business transaction/ expenses, bills, etc- it is "morally" your obligation to fulfill your agreements. Don't bite off more than you can chew. If you bit it, chew it!
Precept #16- Be Industrious- The quote attached to this precept- The way to happiness is a high road when it includes industriousness that leads to tangible production! Get busy, be productive and proactive!!
Precept #17- Be Competent- Look; Learn; and Practice. "See what you see, not what someone tells you." Inspect the information given to you, learn the truth from the false- cause and effect; action and consequences...... Learning also requires you remembering what which you were exposed to; good, bad, indifferent. You can improve ways to make things better and develop an understanding of why things are the way they are. Practice that which you have learned. It is sometimes called trial and error. Sometimes it takes more than one try before you can get it right. "Any activity, skill, or profession requires practice!" "The way to happiness is best traveled with competent companions!"
Precept #18- Respect the Religious Beliefs of Others- "Tolerance is a good cornerstone on which to build human relationships." People have the right to believe what they choose and we must respect their beliefs. Agree to disagree.
Precept #19- Try Not To DO Things To Others That You Would Not Like Them To DO To You- "The Golden Rule." I simply say Karma!! It comes back around so if you are doing good by others when Karma visits you won't have any worries.
Precept #20- - Try To Treat Others As You Would Want Them To Treat You- Another part of "The Golden Rule." It comes back around so if you are doing good by others when Karma visits you won't have any worries.
The last of the 21 Precepts to Happiness #21- Flourish and Prosper- You can not worry about what your fellow man have. Your job is to obtain your own and be successful in doing so. Help others where they need help not becoming envious along the way.
If you should get the time to read the article regarding "The 21 Precepts of The Way To Happiness," (www.thewaytohappiness.org/thewaytohappiness) please do so, you have only been given an abbreviated version through the blogs. Thanks and have a great day!!!
Thursday, July 9, 2015
The Next Generation
Good evening beauties! I certainly hope that your day was a productive day as well as positive day for everyone. As we are living this thing that we call life, we have to pay attention to the things that we enjoy. As I have stated before that so many of us are just existing and not living the life that God created us to have. Life is what you make it and since I am learning more about me, I am learning the things to teach my children so that they will adapt to the principles that their father and I have become a custom to. It is my desire that I be in good health, even as my soul prospers. God was so gracious enough to allow us to have life and to have life more abundantly. I truly enjoy learning, knowledge is power, and I am equipping my children with the tools that they need to help them to become successful. I get to spend a lot of time with them because I am no longer able to work, however I am thankful that I am able to see them more and we communicate more. The Bible teaches us that we should leave an inheritance for our children's children. That is not just in finances but also teaching and passing along lessons that their children are able to learn and pass to their children. Don't mistake me, this verse is talking about money, but there are things that we should teach our children. Parents are our children's first teachers, not the teachers at school. Taking the time to instill knowledge in our children is the gifts that we share with them. They are the next generation and it is my prayer that God has mercy on the next generation because it is my belief that they are going to do some awesome things! Be blessed and know that you are!
Happiness Cont.!!
Precept #7- Seek to Live With Truth- False data can cause one to make stupid mistakes. It can even block one from absorbing true data. My pastor is doing a series on deceit and deceptive people. He says even a partial truth is still a lie. It is better to tell the truth and let the individual be mad with the truth and process it than for them to find out later the "your" truth was in fact a lie. There were also subheadings to this: Do not tell harmful lies- These are the product of fear, malice, and envy. They can drive people to acts of desperation; Do not bear false witness- in short "perjury."
Precept #8- Do Not Murder- Murder is defined as the unlawful killing of one (or more) human being by another, especially with malice. This is also one of the 10 Commandments!!
Precept #9- Don't Do Anything Illegal- "Illegal acts" are those which are prohibited by official rules or law. An illegal act can result in punishment by the courts and state. In my mind, Orange is not the new black, especially for me!!!
Precept #10- Support A Government Designed and Run For All the People- "Unscrupulous and evil men and groups can usurp the power of government and use it to their own ends. Government organized and conduced solely for self interested individuals and groups gives society a short life span. I have no opinion regarding the government designed and run for all the people.......
Precept #11- Do Not Harm A Person of Good Will- "Despite the insistence of evil men that all men are evil, there are many good men around and women too. You may have been fortunate enough to know some." My motto is, you never know how God is sending one of his shepherd. Just because it looks a certain way doesn't mean that it is. Everybody doesn't have a motive some people just are genuinely good people!!
Precept #12- Safeguard and Improve Your Environment- Be of good appearance; Take care of your own area; and Help take care of the planet. Don't complain if you aren't doing your part!! Physical appearance is important as well as taking care of your possessions- homes, vehicles, children, communities, etc....
There are more precepts to happiness that I will share on tomorrow. I hope these that have been shared thus far, gives you something to think about and focus on.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
It's Up to You
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Happiness: Written by "Beauty" Dr. Demetria Hill Cannady
Monday, July 6, 2015
Six steps to help you put emotions in perspective:Written by Beauty "Ibeauty"
Hey Luvs!!!
Wow. . .it has been a beautiful day so far, but for some reason, I have not been able to get up and going. So I did the one thing that would FORCE ME TO GET A MOVE ON! That is making videos(LOL), So I decided to write about something that you may experience as well.
So here goes. . . .
We all experience ups and downs, and sometimes we experience these feelings from day to day, and if you are experiencing them, don't beat yourself up. Sometimes feelings come into play for different reasons. I simply suggest that you put them into perspective, and don't let them stop your progress. People often ask me, how do you do it Kim? I have a system that I use, when I fall into this trap.
1.The first thing I do is understand that "WHAT"I am experiencing are just my emotions and they will pass. I give them permission to be there! They are a part of me . I don't try to stuff them back down, if I do, they will eventually come out, whether I want them to or not. So I let them come out, and I give them a time limit.
2.I allow myself 10 minutes to let them run wild, and after that I take control!
3. I then set my goal in front of me
a. I become specific about what I want
b I become specific about when I want it(attach a time line)
c. Be specific about HOW you're gonna do it!
Hey Luvs! Don't be so hard on yourselves today. Life is a slow progression. Excellence requires time,effort and action. Stay vigilant and you will get there.#inspirational #beauty
Friday, July 3, 2015
Our First Relationship
Within the article I discussed the very first relationship we ever encounter is with our mother and secondary, our father (for those whose father is present). Our mothers formed our first relationship with her maternal bond or lack thereof. In my opinion our mothers taught us how to love, whether functionally or dysfunctionally. What did we learn from our mothers through the years that taught us to have compassion for our fellow man/woman? How did we observe our mothers when she showed compassion for her fellow man? Did she allow herself to be cherished, loved, used, misused, abused, cower down, and/or did she demand respect for herself and her children? Or did she manipulate, lie, cheat, and steal from her significant other/ spouse with you as an observer? I asked the question the other day in my empowerment group- Which woman in your life (as a child/early adulthood) had an impact on the woman you became/ are becoming? Most answered their mother/ grandmother. Our mothers are to ensure the start of positive relationships by ensuring secure attachment. If we are unsure and insecure in infancy, childhood, our teen years, and early adulthood because of a lack of bonding with the people (parents, especially our mothers) who were to show us how to have relationships and love- guess what??? We become insecure and unattached adult women who don't know how to love and don't know what love is!! We desire a relationship but doesn't know what a healthy one looks like. We can read about it but didn't get a chance to observe it while growing up.
As a woman, a mother, and friend, I make sure I put forth extra effort to be part of an example of a positive and healthy relationship, directly and indirectly. Within my family unit- Directly by giving hugs, kisses, discipline, and words of affirmation to my daughter and my sons. Indirectly by allowing them to observe the communication and interactions (hugs, cuddling, and forehead/ lip kisses) between my husband and I- explaining that everything in relationships are not about sex. We discuss what you should look for in a significant other/ mate. We (my children and I) discuss knowing what you want in/ from the relationship, what not to settle for when looking for a significant other, compromising, and most importantly knowing who you are prior to establishing a relationship, personal and professional. I have these conversations with my friends as well. All these things refer to the workplace as well: knowing what you desire from your employer, what you will not settle for, compromising, and knowing who you are prior to accepting that job/ position. What are you desiring and accepting in your relationships? #transparentbeauty